
We don't run advertisements on our website, but we reach out to you. We want to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to answer questions about God. Our AI helps us to answer these questions day and night. There are a couple of things you could help us with:

Reach people

With €2 we can reach 70 people.


This will give 70 people the opportunity to ask their questions about God and life. Some people have been really thankful for the answers chatbot Eli gave. We invite you to become a part of this.


Our chatbot has no borders. It operates world wide in every area. Be part of a technological solution which provides answers to questions that matter most. Questions about God, life, and eternity.

Live chat

With €20 euro each month we can invite a real person to chat with you. This means that chatbot Eli would become a hybrid. We are still in the process of integrating this software. Any donation would really be appreciated!


If you are available, consider joining our team. Pray for us.


Be a supporter and support us monthly. Even a small amount makes a difference for us: