Updates - 2020
In 2020 several updates have been implemented for Chatbot Eli's future.
Some of the records can be found here on this page:
- Updates regarding small talk
- Updates regarding depression
- New question What is born again?
- New question There is no God because I can't see Him.
- New question What is wrong?
- New question What is wrong according to God?
- New question Is God really there?
Dialogflow platform upgrade impacts our megabot.
Read the full story at 'behind the scenes (02)':
- New question What does the Bible say about philosophy?
- New question How to share the gospel?
- New question Why share the gospel?
- New question When to share the gospel?
- New question Who should share the gospel?
- New question Did God call me?
- New question Should I share the gospel from neutral ground?
- New question How many people are written in the book of life?
- New question Only 144.000 are saved?
- New question How many people go to heaven?
- New question Who was Ismail?
- New question Why don't you feel emotions?
- New question Are you sarcastic?
- New question When is the end?
2020-08-24 Update
- New question Do you believe in evolution?
- New question What would convince you to believe in evolution?
- New question I am being bullied
- New question What can I do against bullying?
2020-08-23 Update
- New question How to find God?
- New question I looked for God but couldn't find Him
- New question Can I escape God?
- Update question Where is God?
2020-08-21 Update
- New question Who is Mary?
- New question What is the relation between God and Mary?
- Update question What is your phone number?
2020-08-18 Update
Several new questions and updates on these topics:
- Corona
- Lock down
2020-08-16 Update
- New question How do I know the Bible is true?
- New question Can you yell me something about the oneness of God?
- New question So God wants to be found?
- New question Why do I need grace?
- New question How does God view homosexuality?
- New question Do you consider God to be a joke?
- New question Dunno
- New question Who is Obama?
- New question Who is Daniel?
- New question Who is Abraham?
- New question Who is John the Baptist?
- New question Who is Joshua?
2020-08-11 Update
- Update on Ask me a question
2020-08-10 Update
- New question is Trinity a false doctrine?
2020-08-09 Update
- Update on who is Jesus?
2020-08-07 Training session
- Update on what can you do?
2020-08-02 Training session
- Eli learned about religious education.
- Eli learned about GDP.
2020-07-29 Issue solved

PIA is created and online.
PIA is a sub-agent who answers questions about persons. This could be biblical persons, historical persons or important persons now-a-days.
Since all person related questions are moved to one sub-agent, we hope to regain accuracy like before.
PIA does not know so many persons yet, but he will improve over time.
2020-07-27 issue identified.
The issue of last week is identified.
Several sub-agents respond towards questions about persons (historical, biblical or chatbot Eli) with 100% confidence. Making it impossible for Eli to determine which sub-agent has the right answer. This does not impact questions about God, but it does impact questions about Jesus, Moses, chatbot Eli and other persons.
This issue is related to being a megabot and the way Google indicates Jesus being a person like everyone else.
2020-07-25 Unidentified issue
The conversations of last week show that something is out of order.
Chatbot Eli has trouble indication which person is which. Which is a new issue for chatbot Eli.
2020-07-18 Several updates
During last week:
Updates of several questions.
Adding new questions.
2020-07-11 Several updates
During last week:
Updates of several questions.
Adding new questions.
2020-07-04 ML Classification Threshold
Since chats did not get the right answers, something was going on.
After increasing Machine Learning (ML) Classification Thresholds for every sub-agent, answers seem better.
2020-06-23 Launch of patreon page
You can now be our supporter with an online donation. Even a small amount helps.
2020-06-16 Launch of megabot
We brought megabot Eli online with several sub-agents (bots).
Sub-agents online:
- Enoch
- John
- Paul
- Peter
- Sam
- Solomon
- Thomas
- Xray
Every sub-agent has his own topic or topics.
All sub-agents work together as one mega-bot.